Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Testing, 1,2,4...

Whew, haven't been back here in months. Totally forgot about this place until I figured, "Hey, you don't have to feel compelled to post master pieces here. Nobody to impress. Just do whatcha like." and what do spoons like? Sketch and doodle blogs! So, while I wrack my brains with html and the like, consider this my test post of sketch sharing wonderousness. Enjoy!

In other news, (and as you can see above) the summer festival event over at GaiaOnline has come to an end. It was a big wet bash of online awesome and a fellow artist and I dished out some free art in a self made chat thread to have our water balloon team look styling as they posted their support!


Christopher Vear said...

YAY!!! good stuff Kass, Keep it comin!

Mokuu said...

Marker *breaths heavily* maaaaarker.....the breath of traditional air.